With over ten years of experience in a number of modalities, my goal is to work with you to meet your body's needs.
My mission is to help you restore and maintain a healthy balance in life. I want you to leave your session feeling better, but my priority is your overall health.
Not familiar with the different types of massage or modalities? No problem! Come in for a consult today. We'll find out what works for you.
We are passionate about people being well and happy naturally. We offer Yoga, Qigong, Reiki, Relaxation, Remedial and Meridian Massage services to help you restore and maintain health and vitality in your life.
Massage can help specifically address a number of health issues including physical conditions, stress, and anxiety. We offer relaxation and remedial massage services.
Practiced by millions of people over thousands of years Yoga and Qigong have been demonstrated to relieve stress, improve circulation, increase strength, flexibility and cultivate a stronger sense of life balance.